Zoo, Marmot

22-April-2024 Monday
Cuteness of the day: at the Detroit Zoo, a male gorilla weighing 180 kg decided to pet a groundhog

22-April-2024 Monday
A marmot at the zoo gets a pet gorilla

01-January-2024 Monday
When you realized you ate too much at night

01-April-2022 Friday
In the Moscow Zoo lost the groundhog Archie

28-March-2022 Monday
Marmots woke up from hibernation in the Leningrad Zoo

29-March-2021 Monday
Spring has come to Moscow - this was confirmed today by awakened marmots

08-May-2020 Friday
Everything goes according to plan

21-July-2016 Thursday
Looks like someone needs to lose weight...

22-March-2016 Tuesday
Groundhogs woke up in the Moscow Zoo

28-October-2015 Wednesday
The cutest marmot family)
